Nina Reppich
Tel. +49 151 12 55 76 89
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ELIQUO presents its apprenticeships during careers information day at Schlüchttal School in Grafenhausen

On 25 January 2023, the Schlüchttal School in Grafenhausen held the newly designed Vocational Information Day from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. for its pupils. Local companies gave some insights for the pupils on apprenticeships opportunities within companies near Grafenhausen in the Black Forest.
This event had suffered from lack of pupil interest over the past two years, due to Covid-19, so the concept had been re-designed by the organiser for this year.
The venue changed to Grafenhausen and the pupils were encouraged to get to know the companies without the presence of their parents.
On the day, twelve companies from Grafenhausen and Ühlingen attended the event at the Schlüchttal School. They gave an overview of the companies and apprenticeships to approximately 60 students from grades eight to ten. The trainees-to-be were not only able to demonstrate their manual skills but also have their questions answered by representatives from the twelve companies.
The pupils pre-selected which companies were of most interest to them and which professions they wanted to know more about. In four half-hour sessions, the managers and trainers met potential career starters.
One third of the participating pupils decided to attend the ELIQUO STULZ information event. At our information stand, they got the chance to get a first-hand understanding of apprenticeships through an experimental set-up with practical exercises such as stripping and wiring.
All in all, the career information day at the Schlüchttal School was a successful event where the pupils and the ELIQUO STULZ trainers got the chance to get to know each other better and gather some information on career paths in the company.
More information about our apprenticeships you’ll find on our job portal.
You can read a detailed report from the Badische Zeitung about the career information day at the Schlüchttal School here.